Delivery Schedules


In our attempts to keep costs down for our customers, we traditionally re-addressed our Delivery Schedule each year to ensure that we provide the most effective delivery days to locations across our service areas.

A consideration in our scheduling this year is recent government regulation changes regarding ‘Hours of Service’ for drivers. For example, waiting for a load must now be considered “on-duty” driving time and this restricts the productive highway time a driver is able to achieve. The new regulation changes have forced us to review what is realistic within the new system in relation to our current service points, delivery days and ‘Load- Stop’ requirements. This review is a necessity, so that we may continue to provide the exceptional service you have come to expect from the Erb Group of Companies, while controlling costs.

A number of domestic points of service have had their delivery days re-aligned and‘Load-Stop’ requirements altered, while the majority remains unchanged. An example of a recent Load-Stop change is that our Windsor area points of service now have a designation of ‘Terminal 1W’, from ‘Terminal 1’. This change will facilitate smooth routing on the dock and assist us in expediting your freight, meeting the commitment to maintain overnight service in that area.

I thank you for your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or comments, your Erb Account Manager would be pleased to assist you.


Vice President, Operations
The Erb Group of Companies

Vice President, Sales
The Erb Group of Companies
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